Welcome to PROMPT!
Professionals for Rational Opioid Monitoring & Pharmaco-Therapy (PROMPT) is a multidisciplinary group of clinicians, researchers and academicians from various fields. Some include areas of Addiction, Anesthesiology, Pain, Pharmacy, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Psychology, and various Board Certified specialties. PROMPT has serious concerns about the safety of chronic opioid use; we are therefore in favor of mitigating these risks with appropriate proactive and ongoing validated interventions intended for the benefit of patient care and public safety. We advocate for clinician education, proactive risk stratification, and appropriate therapeutic monitoring.
On July 25, 2012, another group known as Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP) submitted a petition to the FDA requesting label changes for opioids. We have PROMP(ly) replied to the FDA. A copy of our PROMPT reply to the FDA can be seen HERE.
Our mission as a group will continue to center around advocacy for clinician education, proactive risk stratification, and appropriate therapeutic monitoring. As risk mitigation regulations unfold, we hope to have a collaborative voice with government officials, pain colleagues, and professional organizations of varying disciplines nationwide, and of course reputable bloggers and the media.
New members are always welcome! Our current membership list can be viewed HERE.
To join our group, send an e-mail request to prompt.info@paindr.com
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