Updated 8/10/2016
Publications and Presentations by Stratton VA Medical Center PGY2 Pharmacy Pain and Palliative Care Residents. We also have several PGY1 Residents that participated as authors on various publications here, however they are not bold-typed. Note that this list excludes Pharmacy Times and Drug Topics online articles, Blogs, and Online Commentaries which are all searchable online.
Current PGY2 Resident
Erica L. Wegrzyn, BA, BS, PharmD
Past PGY2 Residents
Jacqueline H Pratt Cleary, BS, PharmD (2016)
Thien C Pharm, PharmD (2015)
Timothy J Atkinson, PharmD, BCPS (2014)
Journal Publications
- Atkinson TJ, Pratt Cleary JH, Fudin J. 10 Pain Medication Myths: Challenges In Selecting the Appropriate Analgesic. Practical Pain Management. 2016 July/August 16(5): 63-70.
- Atkinson TJ, Pratt Cleary JH, Fudin J. 10 Pain Medication Myths: Challenges In Selecting the Appropriate Analgesic. Practical Pain Management. 2016 July/August 16(5): 63-70.
- Fudin J, Pratt Cleary JH, Schatman ME. The MEDD myth: the impact of pseudoscience on pain research and prescribing-guideline development. Journal of Pain Research. 2016 March; 9:153-156.
- Bettinger JJ, Pratt Cleary JH, Fudin J. What is the difference between Zohydro and Hysingla—hydrocodone extended release agents? Practical Pain Management. 2016 March; 16(2): 16-19.
- Pratt Cleary JH, Fudin J. Response to: Letters to the Editor: Naloxone, Opioid Tolerance, Polyarthropathy. Practical Pain Management. 2016 Jan-Feb; 16(1):6.
- Fudin J, Pratt Cleary JH, Sparkes S. Opioid Analgesics. Chapter 34. In Dubin, Andrew, et al. Pain management secrets. Fourth ED. Publication Pending, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2016.
- Rennick A, Atkinson TJ, Cimino NM, Strassels SA, McPherson ML, Fudin J. Variability in Opioid Equivalence Calculations. Pain Medicine. 2016;17: 892–898.
- Brooks A, Kominek C, Pham TC, Fudin J. Exploring the Use of Chronic Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain: When, How, and for Whom? Medical Clinics of North America. 2016 January; 100(1): 81–102.
- Fudin J, Pham TC. Dodging Elusive and Miscalculated Opioid Risks. PainWeek Journal. 2015 June; 3(3):1656-63.
- Linares OA, Schiesser WE, Fudin J, Pham TC, Bettinger JJ, Mathew RO, Daly-Linares A. In silico ordinary differential equation/partial differential equation hemodialysis model estimates methadone removal during dialysis. Journal of Pain Research. 2015 July; 8: 417–429.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J, Pham TC. Combined Fentanyl and Methadone Induced Serotonin Syndrome is Called Into Question [Letter]. Pharmacotherapy. 2015 June; 35(6): 111-4.
- Pham TC, Fudin J, Raffa RB. Is Levorphanol a Better Option Than Methadone? Pain Medicine. 2015 September; 16(9):1673-1679.
- Pham TC, Fudin J, Desai AP, Faxon JL.Neuropathy in HIV Patients: Pain Concerns. Practical Pain Management. 2015 May; 15(4): 41-47.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J, Pham TC. Combined Fentanyl and Methadone Induced Serotonin Syndrome is Called Into Question [Letter]. Pharmacotherapy. 2015 June; 35(6): 111-4.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J, Wegrzyn E, Bettinger, J. Dialysis, Opioids, and Pain Management: Where’s the Evidence? Practical Pain Management. 2014 September; 14(8): 49-57.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J. Interactions Between Pain Medications And Illicit Street Drugs. Practical Pain Management. 2014 August; 14(7): 50-61.
- Atkinson TJ, Schatman ME, Fudin J. The Damage Done By The War on Opioids: The Pendulum Has Swung Too Far. Journal of Pain Research. 2014 May; 7: 265-268.
- Fudin J, Atkinson TJ. Personalized Oxycodone Dosing: Using Pharmacogenetic Testing and Clinical Pharmacokinetics to Reduce Toxicity Risk and Increase Effectiveness. Editorial. Pain Medicine. 2014 May; 15(5): 723–725.
- Fudin J, Atkinson TJ. Opioid Prescribing Level Off, but is Less Really More? Pain Medicine. 2014 January; 15: 184–187.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J, Jahn HL, Kubotera N, Rennick AL, Rhorer M. What’s New in NSAID Pharmacotherapy? Pain Medicine. NSAID Supplement. 2013 December; 14(1): 11-17.
- Younan M, Atkinson TJ, Fudin J. A Practical Approach to Discontinuing NSAID Therapy Prior to a Procedure. Practical Pain Management. 2013 Nov/Dec; 13(10): 45-51.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J, Pandula A, Mirza M. Medication Management in the Elderly: Unique and Underutilized Treatment options. Clinical Therapeutics. 2013 November; 34(11): 1669-1689.
Textbook Chapters
- Atkinson TJ, Gudin J, Fudin J. Urine Drug Screen, Positive Drug Test: When to Order More Tests. In Kean N, ed., Opioid Prescribing and Monitoring—How to Combat Opioid Abuse and Misuse Responsibly. Publication Pending, Practical Pain Management, September 2016.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J. Opioids and Related Medications. In Moldwin R, ed., Urological and Gynaecological Chronic Pelvic Pain. Publication Pending, Springer Publishing, 2016.
- Fudin J, Srivastava A, Atkinson TJ, Fudin HR. Opioids for Surgery or Acute Pain in Patients on Chronic Buprenorphine. In Aronoff G, ed., Medication Management of Chronic Pain: What you Need to Know. Publication pending, Trafford Publishing, 2016.
- Atkinson TJ, Fudin J. The problem with chronic pain and opioid medications. In ed., Peppin J, Kirsh K, Coleman J. Pain and Prescription Drug Diversion: Healthcare, Law Enforcement, and Policy Perspectives. Publication pending. Oxford University Press. 2016.
- Carroll J, Pratt Cleary JH, Stressels S, Fudin J. Analysis of Pain Education Deficiencies Among Student and Recent Graduate US Pharmacists. Presented at PainWeek 2016 at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas NY. September 9, 2016.
- Pratt Cleary JH, Fudin J, Raouf M, Nguyen U. Veteran’s Hospital automated software platform to access pre-validated risk for opioid-induced respiratory depression to qualify patients for in-home naloxone. Poster no. 41. Presented at the International Conference on Opioids at Harvard Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. June 6, 2016.
- Pratt Cleary JH, Raouf M, Nguyen U, Carpenter MR, Fudin J. C Automated Software Platform to Assess Pre-Validated Risk for Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression to Qualify Patients for In-home Naloxone. (Poster: 394). American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 2015 Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition in New Orleans LA.
- Pratt Cleary JH, Raouf M, Carpenter MR, Fudin J. Risk analysis of potential opioid-induced respiratory depression by RIOSORD to qualify veteran patients and their caregivers for naloxone auto-injectors and risk mitigation. P146 at PainWeek, Cosmopolitan Hotel. Las Vegas NV. September 10, 2015.
- Fudin J, Shahzad N, Jarrett NWD, Pham TC, Prouty E. Development of an Immunoassay Urine Drug Screen App for interpreting unexpected results. P15 at the International Conference on Opioids, Harvard Medical School in Boston MA. June 7, 2015.
- Rennick A, Atkinson TJ, Cimino N, Fudin J, Strassel S, McPherson ML. Variability in Opioid Equivalence. P44 at the International Conference on Opioids, Harvard Medical School in Boston MA. June 8, 2015.
- Mahatme S, Atkinson TJ, Spallone A, Fudin J. The Preliminary Impact of Pain Management Integration into an HIV Specialty Clinic. P4 at the International Conference on Opioids, Harvard Medical School in Boston MA. June 7, 2015.
- Desai A, Pham TC, Fudin J. Comparative retrospective to prospective analysis of clinician reliability and cost effectiveness for accurately interpreting urine drug screens (UDS) for patients receiving chronic opioid therapy. (Poster: 1-101). American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 2014 Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition in Anaheim CA.
- Rennick A, Atkinson TJ, Cimino N, McPherson ML, Fudin J. Variability in Opioid Equivalence. (Poster: 9-236). American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 2013 Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition in Orlando FL.