
QuestionsCategory: Tox Screensmetabolism
Beth asked 5 years ago

My daughter\\\’s UA came back negative even though she was on opioid pain medicine. They accused her of diverting and being an \\\’addict\\\’ their words. I demanded a test again as I believe she does not absorb medications. They re-tested her in the hospital after they WATCHED her take the pain medicine. The test again came back negative for opioids. What can I do to protect her from future negative UAs when it has been proven she doesn\\\’t metabolis at times.

1 Answers
Jeffrey Fudin Staff answered 5 years ago

To better understand why this would happen, go to This will create a comprehensive report and explanation of false negatives if you walk through the steps.  many synthetic opioids (ie. oxycodone, hydrocodone, and others) will not test positive for opiates at low doses.