There’s an APP for that – FINALLY!

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Urintel_Phone app coming soonIt’s finally here, the smartphone version of Urintel! Click here to download it from the iTunes store!
After two years of manipulation and a very successful beta test on PC and MAC platforms, it couldn’t come too soon.

It is the first; one and only; smart phone app to help clinicians interpret urine drug tests! 

And, it tells (UrinTEL) appropriate next steps for the clinician after receiving the results from an immunoassay test!

In short, this new phone app will;

  1. Interpret results and provide comprehensive assessment;  simply, & quickly.
  2. Consider and explain false positive /negative results by evaluating drug interactions, dose, and medicinal chemistry in the background.
  3. Alert provider when a [expected] positive test for a prescribed drug could be problematic.
  4. Decreases guesswork and diminishes unfounded accusations.
  5. Explains reasoning for justifiable definitive testing in ways your patient will understand, without being confrontational.

The initial screen has a direct link to tutorial images that can be swiped left to right and back again. Below is a demo & note the double taps!

And what’s even nicer? 
Patients will have access to the app too, although admittedly this was developed on a platform that is more intuitive for those with a medical background.  But for patient readers, stay tuned because there are plans to develop a platform that is more user-friendly for patients which will also include brand name drug selections.

But you say, won’t savvy substance abusers and diverters be able to use this to justify an unexpected test?  Perhaps – but at least everyone will be working with an honest platform and the app will teach, explain, and help everyone to understand what the test really means (or doesn’t mean).

In short, there is no guesswork anymore.
The test is what the test is.  If the results need to be confirmed; they need to be confirmed. 
If Medicare, the Blues, or anyone else wants to argue that definitive testing by chromatography isn’t necessary, they will now be arguing with a clinician equipped with accurate justification, with optional comprehensive [paste in chart] documentation for their decision. 

And for all the lab companies (and doctors) that have been persecuted for encouraging definitive testing by chromatography? Well, none of them have had an ounce of input on the logic behind this app.  Consider the liability to providers and lab companies which has been widely publicized because it’s easy to run amok with no standards in place.  See for example 3 Medicare Doctors Got Paid $1.4 Million For Drug Tests On 145 Patients and Stark Realities of Urine Drug Test Orders and Payment.

If definitive testing is necessary, so be it.
If definitive testing is not indicated, so be it.
If definitive testing requires clinical judgement, so be it.
It is what it is, and now you will know what the test means or doesn’t mean.

Where do you get this phone app?Registration on phone

  1. For Apple users, it’s in the in Apple Store right now, and requires $10.00 registration HERE for access. Click here to go to the app.
  2. For Android users (Droid, Motorola, HTC, and Samsung), it will be in the Google Pay Store within the day, and requires $10.00 registration HERE for access.
  3. You can register for the phone app HERE online in advance of downloading the app to your phone/tablet.  Or after agreeing to terms on your phone/tablet, it will prompt you to CREATE AN ACCOUNT if you don’t have a phone/tablet account.  See screen shot on left.

    The PC and MAC versions for Urintel will remain on free beta access for a limited time, available at remitigate.comThese are a bit more pricey but have;
    1. Printable report option as PDF, or “copy to clipboard” & “paste to e-record”.
    2. Option for support staff to share printed report to patient in an easy to understand fashion which frees provider time.
    3. Ability to fax report to help justify 3rd party payment for more expensive definitive testing by chromatography.

keep calm_U>If you are a patient, the next time your doctor requires you to do a drug test and the results shock you;   -OR-
>If you are a clinician, the next time you test your patient, and the results shock you, or an insurance provider questions your clinical judgement, integrity, or reasoning;

Just remember…

There’s an app for that!

We already have plans for updating the current version to improve user intuitiveness.
Suggestions on this BLOG or to are always welcome and encouraged to help us incorporate suggestions into the platforms.

If you’ve tried the phone or PC version already, we’d love a note regarding that too!


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